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What is said at Iftar or Suhoor from the prayers of the elderly

What is said at Iftar or Suhoor from the prayers of the elderly

   * What is said at Iftar or Suhoor *
* His Eminence Sheikh Muhammed bin Saleh Al-Othaimeen, may Allah have mercy on him,
was asked * * Is there a specific supplication for the Messenger Allah be upon him at breakfast and at suhoor?
* He answered by saying * As for suhoor, I do not know about that special supplications, but there are general supplications when eating and drinking in all cases, such as naming when eating or drinking, and like praise if empty, the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace
 He said to Ibn Abi Salamah, who is his stepdaughter, he said to him * (O Ghulam, name Allah and all your oaths and all that follows you) * He told him, peace and blessings be upon him (that Allah Almighty is pleased with the servant who eats the food, praises him and drinks it, praises him) and as for what some common people do when he finishes the suhoor So Allah says that I intended to fast until the night, because this is a bid'ah, because speaking about the intention in all acts of worship is an innovation that was not mentioned by the Prophet, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him, that he used to say when doing worship. I intended to do such and such. I do not pray, or when fasting, I intend to fast, because the intention is in the heart because it is intended for something Upon Allah Almighty be the world including in the heart of the servant of Allah as the Almighty he said
* (We created man and know what waswaas himself and we are closer to him than his jugular vein (16) as it receives Almtlkien from the right and the north wheelchair (17) What utter words only has a sergeant) *
As to pray when al - Fitr was received from the Prophet sallallaahu ' He had peace upon him in that hadiths from them (thirst was gone, the veins were wet, and the reward was established, Allah willing), and

 if a person called something else at his break with what he liked, asking forgiveness, mercy, acceptance, and so on, it is good because the call of the fasting person when breaking his fast is free to answer, Allah willing.
* (Fatwas Nour on the path to the Uthaymeen (2/24)) *

* Sheikh Saleh Al-Fawzan, may Allah protect him, was asked: * What is the supplication for the Prophet, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him, at breakfast and at suhoor?
He replied by saying: It was reported from the Prophet, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him, that if he broke his fast he would say: “The thirst has gone and the veins are wet and the reward has been established, Allah willing.” It was reported by some of the Companions that if he breaks his fast, he said: “Oh Allah, you are silent and your livelihood is broken, so forgive me that you are the forgiving. Compassionate. ” As for Suhoor, he did not respond to what I know about a specific supplication said at that time, and God knows best.
* (The group of fatwas of al-Fawzan (2/395)) *

 * Accelerating breaking the fast and delaying suhoor -: * *
On the authority of Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with them, he said: The Messenger of Allah, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said:
* “We are the prophets of the prophets, we are commanded to accelerate our fast and delay our sahur and To place our faith on our merits in prayer. * * And it was authenticated

by Al-Albani in Al-Rawd Al-Nadir (503).

* Statement of the benefits of fasting ❍ by Sheikh Al-Alamama / Salih Bin Fawzan -Fawzan
In this lesson, we address the facilitated benefits of fasting. Fasting is one of the most beneficial and greatest acts of worship in purifying souls and improving morals.
* It has great benefits - one of the greatest -: *
• It is a reason to sow fear of Allah in the hearts and stop the prey from the forbidden, Allah Almighty said:﴿ O, those who believe, the fast is written upon you as it is said that the word of the Lord is as it is that the word of the word is disputed Fasting to His servants to provide them with piety. And piety is a comprehensive word for all goodness.

And  Almighty Allah commented many good things and fruits, and he mentioned it repeatedly in his book because of its importance, and the scholars have interpreted it as: he did Allah’s orders, and left his opponents to hope for his reward and for fear of his punishment.

 And the Almighty said: Perhaps you fear the one, Imam Al-Qurtubi - may Allah have mercy on him - said: (Perhaps) she trembles in their right, and (you fear) weaken, because the less the whole, the weaker the desire, and the weaker the desire, the lesser the sins, and it was said to be in general because fasting, As he, peace and blessings be upon him, said: Fasting is a paradise, an obligation and a reason for piety, because it kills desires.

* Among the benefits of fasting: *
● It returns humanity with patience, endurance and flogging, because it causes him to leave his familiar and paradoxically desires, and he gives strength to the sinner who composed the sins to leave them and get away from them.

● He raises him by raising a process to be patient about her and forgetting her until he leaves it permanently. For example, a smoker who has been dominated by the smoking habit and difficult to quit, he can by fasting leave this bad habit and the malignant substance with ease. As well as other sins.
Among the benefits of fasting: *
 It enables a person to overcome the emirate as bad as it was, at breakfast time, it overpowered its owner and tended to eat the forbidden desires.

When he came fasting man was able to hold the reins himself and lead to the right. "(Source

perfected * Statement of the benefits of fasting ❍ Sheikh mark / Saleh Bin Fawzaan -hfezh God -" *
* Among the benefits of fasting: *

 It weakens the streams of Satan in the body. Because the devil The blood flowing from Ibn Adam, if the servant permitted himself the desires that he required, then this helps the devil to be able to mislead him and carry him to the wicked, the bad, and other defamatory qualities, so
 fasting blocks this section from its foundation and expels the devil

 and the benefits of fasting:
It reminds the servant of the grace of Allah upon him. For if he tastes the taste of hunger and thirst, he knows the value of Allah’s blessing upon him, as food and drink are facilitated for him in times of need for them, so he thanks Allah for that

 and the benefits of fasting:
 He carries a person to charity to the poor and needy

. The benefits of fasting:
 It is a reason for the meeting of the word Muslims and the disappearance of separation. Because they fast in one month and start all daily fasting and break their fast, the rich and poor of their kings and commoners mention them and their females. This causes their interconnectedness, sympathy and word union.

 Among the benefits of fasting:
 It makes it easier for the fasting person to do the acts of obedience, which is apparent from the fasting of those who fast to the actions of the acts of obedience that they might be lazy and weighed upon at a time other than fasting.

 Among the benefits of fasting:
● It softens the heart and softens it to the remembrance of Almighty Allah and cuts off concerns and forgotten.

Among the benefits of fasting:
● It may happen in the heart of the servant, love for obedience and hatred for sins on an ongoing basis, so it is the starting point for correcting human concepts and behavior in life.
*and thank Allah the god of everything . And blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions . *
* The source from here: *

   * One of the reprehensible innovations in Ramadan is constipation *
* Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar - may Allah have mercy on him - said: *
From the reprehensible innovations, what happened in this time from the rhythm of the second call to prayer about three hours before dawn in Ramadan, And turn off the lights that made it a sign that eating and drinking are forbidden for those who want to fast, claiming that those who caused it
For precaution in worship, it is known only to individual people. And this dragged them until they began to give the call to prayer only after sunset to the point of enabling time - they claimed - so they delayed the breakfast and hastened the sahur, and they disagreed with the Sunnah, so the goodness, the more evil, and Allah the Almighty used to say about them. * Fath Al-Bari 5/10/22. *

* Imam Ibn Baz - may Allah have mercy on him -: *
Question: Some companies distribute activities during the blessed month of Ramadan, and these activities are for the times of prayers, but what caught my attention and put them as a time for constipation is a quarter of an hour before the ears of dawn ears. Does their work have a Sunnah origin?
The answer: I do not know for this detail in the first place, but what is indicated by the Qur’an and Sunnah is that constipation is at dawn, for Allah Almighty said: {Eat and drink until you see the white streak from the aisle of the thousand. And because the Prophet ﷺ said: (Fajr is dawn, dawn is forbidden in food and prayer is permissible, and dawn in which prayer is prohibited [i.e. morning prayer] and food is permitted in it) Narrated by Ibn Khuzaymah and the ruler and his companions, as in attaining the goal, and saying ﷺ: (Bilal commands a night, so eat and drink until Ibn Umm Maktoum is authorized). The narrator said: Ibn Umm Maktoum was a blind man who did not call until he was told: I became, I became. Agreed for his health. Allah bless.

* The scholar Ibn Uthaymeen - may Allah have mercy on him - said: "*
And what some people do where they make in the constipation of Ramadan the constraint of constipation, they say or the time of constipation, and then the time of dawn break. There is no doubt that this is wrong and not right.

* The Albani speaker - may Allah have mercy on him - said:" *
In it there is evidence that the one who looks at dawn and the bowl of food or drink on his hand, that it is permissible for him not to put it until he takes his need from him, as this image is excluded from the verse: {Eat and drink until you see the streak of white that is in contrast to each other. Among the hadiths and between this hadith and there is no consensus opposing it, but a group of companions and others went to more than what was mentioned in the hadith, which is the permissibility of suhoor until the dawn becomes clear and the white is spread in the ways. See [Al-Fath 4 / 109-1110] because one of the benefits of this hadeeth invalidates the heresy of constipation before Dawn about a quarter of an hour? Because they do so for fear that the adhaan of Fajr will realize them and they are bewitched. If they knew this license, they would not have fallen into that innovation, so consider.
* (Tamal al-Mannah (417)

 Pay attention and note well to the next statement

* Completed with the above statement at Suhoor, *
* Sheikh Dr. / Suleiman Al-Rehaili - may Allah protect him - said: "* *
❐ If a person put his suhoor between his hands and the muezzin’s ear, and the muezzin most often gave the call to prayer, then would he eat?

☜ We say: As for if the status of suhoor only, then it is not for him to eat, because the Prophet ﷺ made the ears of Ibn Umm Maktoum prevented from the suhoor.
إذا As for if he started the act then he completes what he has begun, this is a control; if he had already begun to complete what he started and did not start, and for this there are two images:
| ⓵ | The first image: He took the vase in his hand, he set out on the way to drink, he started drinking and the muezzin gave permission; here he continued to drink whatever in the vase.
| ⓶ | The second image: That the summit be raised to it, and here in this case it eats it properly, which is the view of the public of knowledgeable people;
⇚ As for the initiation, it does not begin, it does not extend its hands to raise a summit and does not raise its hands to raise a vessel, because the Prophet ﷺ said: “If one of you hears the call and the bowl on his hand, then he does not put him until he excludes his need from him.” Narrated by Abu Dawud.
⊙ like him if the morsel may be submitted to which it has to eat, and the words of the Prophet «This is», intended to pay what else, if the pot on the ground or that it does not eat "
* Source: Explanation of Book of Fasting from the way Mannar r: (77 - 78) *

 Important warning
* Caring for every individual number of dates when breaking the fast of the fasting person * *
* Sheikh Ibn Uthaymeen - may Alllah  have mercy on him - was asked *
I heard that the fasting person who breaks his fast should break the fast of the number of people - Dates and so-is this obligatory?

He replied:
It is not obligatory, but for a year, that a person break his fast - three, five, seven or nine - except on the day of Eid al-Fitr, as it has been proven (that the Prophet, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him and his family, did not complete the prayer.) Otherwise, the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, was not meant to be a chord with dates.
* * (Noor on the Path Program, tape 354) * This is


click here via the link for more 👇👇👇 /month-of-ramadan.html?m=1

* statement of the benefits of the William ❍ Sheikh tag / Saleh Bin Fawzaan -hfezh Allah - "*
* Among the benefits of fasting: *

● It weakens the channels of Satan in the body. Because the devil runs from the son of Adam, the bloodstream, for if the servant permitted himself the desires it required, then this helps the devil to be able to mislead him and carry him to the bad and bad and other defamatory qualities.
● Fasting closes this door from its foundation and expels Satan

 from the benefits of fasting:
● It reminds the servant of the grace of Allah upon him. For if he tastes the taste of hunger and thirst, he knows how much Allah's grace is upon him, as food and drink are facilitated for him at times of need for them, so he thanks Allah for that

 and the benefits of fasting:
● He carries a person to charity to the poor and needy.

 Among the benefits of fasting:
● It is a reason for the meeting of the word Muslims and the disappearance of division. Because they fast in one month and start all daily fasting and break their fast, the rich and poor of their kings and commoners mention them and their females. This causes their interconnectedness, sympathy and word union.

 Among the benefits of fasting:
● It makes it easier for the fasting person to do the acts of obedience, which is apparent from the fasting of those who fast to the actions of the acts of obedience that they may be lazy and weighed upon at a time other than fasting.

 Among the benefits of fasting:
● It softens the heart and softens it to the remembrance of Allah Almighty and cuts off concerns and forgotten.

 Among the benefits of fasting:
● It may happen in the heart of the servant, love for obedience and hatred for sins on an ongoing basis, so it is the starting point for correcting human concepts and behavior in life.
*and thank Allah the god of everything . And blessings and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions . ) *

   * One of the things that are reprehensible during Ramadan is constipation. *
* Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar, may Allah have mercy on him, said: *
“It is a reprehensible innovation that resulted in this time from the rhythm of the second call to prayer about three hours before dawn in Ramadan, and extinguishing the lamps that made a sign to prohibit eating and drinking on whom He wants to fast, claiming that he caused it to be a
precaution in worship, and he knows only that of the individual people. And, by Allah, the helper. * Fath Al-Bari 5/102. *

* Imam Ibn Baz - may God have mercy on him -: *
Question: Some are distributed Companies and institutions are prayers for the blessed month of Ramadan, and these prayers are for the times of prayers, but the one who caught my attention and put them as a time for constipation precedes the time of the dawn ears by a quarter of an hour.
The answer: I do not know for this detail in the first place, but what is indicated by the Qur’an and Sunnah is that constipation is at dawn, for God Almighty said: {Eat and drink until you see the white streak from the aisle of the thousand. And because the Prophet ﷺ said: (Fajr is dawn, dawn is forbidden in food and prayer is permissible, and dawn in which prayer is prohibited [i.e. morning prayer] and food is permitted in it) Narrated by Ibn Khuzaymah and the ruler and his companions, as in attaining the goal, and saying ﷺ: (Bilal commands a night, so eat and drink until Ibn Umm Maktoum is authorized). The narrator said: Ibn Umm Maktoum was a blind man who did not call until he was told: I became, I became. Agreed for his health. Allah bless.

* The scholar Ibn Uthaymeen - may Allah have mercy on him - said: "*
And what some people do where they make in the constipation of Ramadan the constraint of constipation, they say or the time of constipation, and then the time of dawn break. There is no doubt that this is wrong and not right.

* Imam Albani speaker - may Allah have mercy on him - said:" *
In it there is evidence that the one who looks at dawn and the bowl of food or drink on his hand, that it is permissible for him not to put it until he takes his need from him, as this image is excluded from the verse: {Eat and drink until you see the streak of white that is in contrast to each other. Among the hadiths and between this hadith and there is no consensus opposing it, but a group of companions and others went to more than what was mentioned in the hadith, which is the permissibility of suhoor until the dawn becomes clear and the white is spread in the ways. See [Al-Fath 4 / 109-1110] because one of the benefits of this hadeeth invalidates the heresy of constipation before Dawn about a quarter of an hour? Because they do so for fear that the adhaan of Fajr will realize them and they are bewitched. If they knew this license, they would not have fallen into that innovation, so consider.
* (

Tamal al-Mannah ( 417). * * Imam Muhammad ibn Salih al-Uthaymeen - may Allah have mercy on him be blessed and exalted - said (T 1421 AH): *
“It is better to memorize the Qur’an because memorizing the Qur’an, memorizing and reciting; and many people, when entering Ramadan, are active in memorizing and memorizing a lot. This is better because the reward for recitation is not to be missed, as each letter has ten good deeds, whether by heart or by the Qur’an.” * (Emptied from a tape of Ramadan fatwas) *

* Imam Abi Suleiman Hamad Al-Khattabi - may God Almighty have mercy on him - said (d. 388 AH): *
“The effect says that the number of any Qur’an is as much as the stairs of Heaven. You read from any of the Qur’an, whoever fulfills the reading of all the Qur’an seizes the highest level of heaven, and the reward will be at the end of reading. * * (Milamat al-Sunan 289/1) *

* The scholar Ibn Uthaymeen - may Allah have mercy on him - said: * *
Ramadan is a great blessing He who has reached his age and committed his right to return to his Lord from his disobedience to his obedience, and from being unaware of him to his remembrance, and from being distant from him to proxy to him.

* Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal said: May God have mercy on him. * *
“The fasting person must observe his fast from his tongue, and he does not turn away, and he should fast his fast. injured by fasting, fasting does not invalidate the alibi ». * (increased Traveler (317/2). *

* Ibn Taymiyah said Allah 's mercy:" *
«subsidy of poor feeding in the month of Ramadan is one of the ways of Islam».
* (Fatawa 25/298 *

* The sheikh of Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy on him, said: *
“Whoever intends to leave sins in The month of Ramadan is not the same, and this is not an absolute repentance, but it is left to do in the month of Ramadan.
And it will be rewarded if Turk to God and to maximize the rites of Allah and avoid mahrams at that time, but he is not repentant who forgive them repentance forgiveness absolute "
* {Majmoo || 10/744} *

   * (provisions and issues in Taraweeh prayer) *
* Ibn Baz said May Allah have mercy on him :*
"There is no doubt that Tarawih prayer is a great lawful worship and worship, and the Prophet ﷺ did it for the Muslims at night, then he was afraid to impose on them, so he left it and guided them to prayer in the homes, then when he, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, died and the caliphate led to Omar after Abu Bakr - may Allah be pleased with them - and people saw in The mosque attends prayers, this one prays for himself, and this one prays for two men, and this is for more, he said: If we gathered them together on one imam, then he gathered them on Abi bin Ka’b, and they would pray them all, and in that there are many interests in gathering Muslims for good and listening to the Book of God and what may come from preaching and remembrance On these great nights, the total of fatwas: (11 / 318-319) *

  * What is the ruling on T Rawaheh? *
Ibn Uthaymeen, may Allah have mercy on him, said: Tarawih prayer is Sunnah,
total fatwas: ( 14/187 )

Taraweeh is a Sunnah that was enacted by the Messenger of Allah, may God bless him and grant him peace, and the act of companions for it is well-known, and the nation received it from them as a successor after the ancestor and the first to collect them after the death of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, at night prayers.
* The Standing Committee: (7/194) *

 * Is it permissible to content itself with one supplication of one opening for Tarawih prayer? * It
is mustahabb to open each prayer for Tarawih prayer, because every prayer delivery is independent of the one before it.
(Group / 2 of the Standing Committee: (6/77)

 What is the ruling on adding all or some of the Taraweeh prayers with a string in one peace?
* Ibn Uthaymeen, may God have mercy on him) said: *
This is a corrupt act of prayer, because the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, said: Muthanna. ”
* Total Fatwas: (

14/203 ) * * Is it permissible for someone who prays Taraweeh prayer to pray four rak'ahs with one delivery? *
"Taraweeh pray two by two, because it is proven that the Prophet peace be upon him , he said to those who asked him about the night prayer:« The night prayers are two by two, if afraid of you dawn upon one tension him what had prayed »Standing Committee: (7/200) *

* Is it permissible for a man to perform Tarawih prayer alone if he misses it with the congregation? It is prescribed for the man to do that standing committee: (7/201)

 * Is it permissible for me to pray Tarawih at home? *
“There is nothing wrong with you in her prayer at home because it is superfluous, but her prayer is with the imam In the mosque, the best sympathy for the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, and his companions, may God be pleased with them. * The Standing Committee: (7/202) *

 * Is Taraweeh prayer with a fast reading that has a reward? *
“If the speed does not violate the meaning, there is nothing wrong with that, but lack of speed is better in practice. (Permanent Committee: (7/198) *

Some people, if the Taraweeh prayer started or standing up, wait until if the imam kneels down, he enters the prayer and kneeling with him. Is he correct?

* Ibn Uthaymeen, may God have mercy on him, said: *
“As for delaying entering a person with the imam until he grows up to bow, this is not proper behavior. Rather, I stop. Is this his rak'ah correct or not correct? Because he deliberately delayed with whom he is unable to read Al-Fatihah and read Al-Fatihah a corner So, do not fall off the imam, the congregation, or the one who is alone, as it remains until the imam kneels and then rises and kneeling with him. This is undoubtedly a mistake, and he risked his prayers, or at least on his kneeling that he did not realize it.
* (Total Fatwas ( 10/13 ) *

* The scholar said Abd Abd Al-Rahman Al-Saadi - may God have mercy on him -: *
"O, a seeker of good things, these are their times, and they are waiting for the generosity of generosity and the paths of mercy. Their whiffs have come down. He knew the honor of his times, so he seized it, and the miser who was deprived of it and neglected it, for despite the nose of a person who realized Ramadan, he did not forgive him for his neglect and loss, and blessed is he who triumphed in forgiveness and compassion for his good work,﴿ O you who believe! How cautious? ([Al - Baqarah: 183]. "
*" His total "(63/23)].

* * Hafiz Ibn Rajab said God 's mercy -: *
● from the womb of Ramadan is the late, ● It is a campus of the finest deprived
● And whoever does not provide for it again is blamed. Ramadan came to the slave farm to purify the hearts from corruption, so he fulfilled his rights in word and deed, and increased it, so he took it for the return, so whoever sow the grains and what they watered * groaned regret on the day of the harvest
* [“The Lords of Knowledge” p. (148)]. *

* Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani, may God have mercy on him, said: “*
* Baraka In suhoor, there are many parties that are: *
السنة following the Sunnah, ➋ violating the People of the Book, ➌ piety with it on worship, ➍ increasing activity, ➎ defending the bad manners that hunger provokes, ➏ causing remembrance and supplication at the time of the answer, ➐ realizing the intention to fast for those who overlook it .
* (Fath al - Bari [4/140])

* * Ibn Qayyim God 's mercy said: "*
"The fasting is silent yearn for sins, and his tongue from lying, obscenity and false speech, and the stomach for food and drink, and the reappearance of obscenity; the spoke did not speak what hurts his fast, and did not do what invalidate his fast, he shall bring forth all his useful good, as well as his works, It is like the smell that the musk holder sits on. He also sits from the fasting person who has benefited from his sitting, and has security in it from falsehood, lying, immorality and injustice. The project is not just griping about the food and drink ...;
Fasting is fasting prey for sins, and the fast of the abdomen for Acharaboualtaam; Just as
the food and drink broken and spoil, is how sins cut his reward, and spoil the fruit, Vtasirh is like those who have not deaf ».
* (Volley Chib p . (3132) * This is


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الحمدلله الذي أنزل على عبده الكتاب ولم يجعل له عوجا والصلاة والسلام على سيد الأولين والآخرين سيدنا وحبيبنا محمد صلى الله عليه وعلى آله وصحبته الكرام . وبعد  فضل القارئ القرآن هي من معلومات التي تنتشر من موقع هذاهوالإسلام فإن تعلم القرآن وتعليمه له فضل عظيم عند الله فقد جاء ذلك في بعض الأحاديث رسول الله صلى الله عليه والسلام عن عثمان بن عفان رضي الله عنه قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه والسلم : خيركم من تعلم القرآن وعلمه. رواه البخاري عن علي بن أبي طالب رضي الله عنه قالقال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: خير من تعلم القرآن وعلمه.رواه الترمذي.0 عن عقبة بن عامر رضي الله عنه قال، خرج إلينا رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم ونحن فب الصفة ، فقال : أيكم يحب أن يغد وكل يوم إلى بطحان أو العقيق فيأتي بناقتين كوماوين في غير أثم ولا قطع رحم ؟قلنا يارسول الله كلنا نحب ذلك. قال: أفلا يغدو إلى المسجد فيتعلم فيه أو يعي آيتين من كتاب الله خير من ناقتين وثلاث خير من ثلاث وأربع خير من أربع ومن أعدادهن من الإبل. رواه مسلم عن أبي ذر رضي الله عنه قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسل...

इस्लाम में बलिदान

इस्लाम में बलिदान इस्लाम में बलिदान अल्लाह की स्तुति करो, जिसने हमें बलिदान दिया, और शांति और आशीर्वाद हम पर हो सकता है, पहले और दूसरों के गुरु, हमारे गुरु, हमारे पैगंबर, और मावलाना मुहम्मद बिन अब्दुल्ला, अल्लाह उन्हें और उनके परिवार और साथियों को आशीर्वाद दे सकते हैं पूरा का पूरा।  और इस इस्लाम वेबसाइट से धार्मिक जानकारी के बाद त्याग बलिदान शब्द की परिभाषा: बलिदान एक शिकार है, जो कत्ल के दिन ऊंट, गाय और भेड़ से कत्ल किया जाता है और तश्रीक के दिन अल्लाह सर्वशक्तिमान के करीब आते हैं। इसकी वैधता: और अल्लाह ने यह कहकर बलिदान को अधिनियमित किया है, उसके लिए महिमा हो: हमने आपको अल-कव्थर दिया है, अपने भगवान को अलग करें और आत्महत्या करें। और उसकी कहावत: और शरीर ने तुम्हारे लिए अल्लाह की रस्मों से तुम्हारा भला किया।  सूरत अल-हज्ज (36) में छंद और यज्ञ यज्ञ का वध है।  और यह साबित हो गया कि पैगंबर, अल्लाह उसे आशीर्वाद दे सकते हैं और उसे शांति, बलिदान और मुसलमानों का बलिदान दे सकते हैं, और वे उस पर सहमत हुए  गुण: अल-तिर्मिदी ने ऐशा...

Pengorbanan dalam Islam

Pengorbanan dalam Islam Pengorbanan dalam Islam Segala puji bagi Allah, yang mengorbankan kita pengorbanan, dan semoga damai dan berkah besertanya atas kita, penguasa yang pertama dan yang lain, tuan kita, Nabi kita, dan Mawlana Muhammad bin Abdullah, semoga Allah memberkati dia dan keluarga dan teman-temannya secara keseluruhan.  Dan setelah informasi agama dari situs web Islam ini Pengorbanan Definisi kata pengorbanan: pengorbanan adalah korban, nama untuk apa yang disembelih dari unta, sapi, dan domba pada hari penyembelihan, dan hari-hari Tashreeq mendekati Allah SWT. Ini legitimasinya: Dan Allah telah memberlakukan pengorbanan dengan mengatakan, Mahasuci Dia: Kami telah memberi Anda al-Kawthar, pisahkan Tuhanmu dan bunuh diri. Dan perkataannya: Dan tubuh menjadikannya baik bagi Anda dari ritual Allah untuk Anda.  Ayat dalam Surat Al-Hajj (36) dan pengorbanan di sini adalah pembantaian udhiyah.  Dan terbukti bahwa Nabi, semoga Al...