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Keeping time in Ramadan

Keeping time in Ramadan

   (حِفـْظُ الْوَقْتِ فِي رَمَضَان)
"The time of a person is in fact his life, and it is the substance of his eternal life in resident bliss or painful torment, as he passes through the clouds, the night and day are still fast in the shortage of ages, and the approximation of deadlines. On their deeds, their ages were deafened, and night and day remained new anger in nations after them. The Almighty said: {It is He who made the night and the day as a successor for those who wanted to remember or wanted to thank.} [62]

The Muslim, especially in this blessed month, the great season and the precious time, should take from the passage of nights and days a lesson and a sermon. Feeling taking over and managing the world and the coming and coming of the Hereafter,

* Said Ali bin Abi Talib, may Allah be pleased with him: * traveled the world housekeeper and traveled the afterlife future and each one of them sons; ye therefore of the sons of the Hereafter, and you will be sons of this world, today's work, no account and tomorrow account does not work "* (Narrated by al-Bukhari in his Saheeh, commenting in a book Al-Raqqaq, a Gate of Hope and its Length) *
* Omar bin Abdul Aziz Allah's mercy: * The world is not a House decision, Dar Allah wrote the yard, and wrote on her family, including Zan - any migratory -, how Amer documented what little ruin, and how glad a resident of what little Azan, Vohassanoa womb of Allah, including The journey is the best of your journey, and you are provided with the best of good piety, * (Narrated by Abu Naim in the Ornament of the Awliya (5/292) *)

 A person has been in the demolition of his life since he left his mother's womb but rather - 
* As Al-Hasan Al-Basri said * - Days of a group. Whenever a day goes, some people and part of it go, the day of it destroys the month, the month destroys the year, and the year destroys the age, and every hour that passes from the servant is a civil for him from the term. 

* Ibn Masoud, may Allah be pleased with him, said: “* I did not regret anything that I regretted on the day when the sun set for me, my time decreased and my work did not increase.” And this is from the intensity of his keenness on time. And Your Dinars. "* Source: The Official Website, Abdul Razzaq Bin Abdul Mohsen Al Bar *

 I completed the above * Save time in Ramadan) *
"Vlhza von de mzy yvmh no non qzah rights, duties dah oh, oh oh praise majd slh hslh, hey hey good ss·h aqtbs·h knowledge, lacking the belief yvmh vzlm vzlm yvmh granted.
Nights and days are the capital of a person in this life; Heaven won it, the fire lost it, the year is a tree, the months are its branches, the days are its branches, the hours are its leaves, the breaths are its fruits. So it was malignant, bitter and bitter.

There have been many texts on the Prophet, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him, in explaining the importance of time, urging him to seize him and not wasting it, and stating that the servant is responsible for him on the Day of Resurrection.
Take five five: your youth before old age, before, and your health before Sagmk, and your wealth before your poverty, and free time before your job, and your life before your death; * Narrated by the ruling Mustadrak (7846). * 

* On the authority of Abu Barzah al-Islami, the Messenger of Allah, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him, said:
 Do not go away forward on the Day of Resurrection even ask for old and while he spent his knowledge in doing and where he acquired his wealth and what he spent and on his body as Ablah) * Narrated by al-Tirmidhi (2602). *
 And it is proven in the Sahih on him, may Allah’s prayers and peace be upon him, that he said: * Two blessings are deceptive in which many people are; health and emptiness * (Sahih Al-Bukhari (6412)

* Source: The Official Website, Abdul Razzaq Bin Abdul Mohsen Al Badr, *

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