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Beware of laziness, it is the enemy of achievement

Beware of laziness, it is the enemy of achievement

This is islam

  * (Be careful, laziness is the enemy of achievement) *
Imam Ibn al-Qayyim, may Allah have mercy on him, said: "*
As for laziness, it generates from it waste, alienation, deprivation, and the most repentance, and it is contrary to the will and determination that is the fruit of knowledge.
* (Key of the House of Happiness 1/113) *

Imam Ibn al-Qayyim, may Allah have mercy on him, said: "*
"Knowledge and work are twins whose mother is high-spirited, ignorance and unemployment are twins, and their mother prefers laziness. * (Badaa'at al-Ta`alat (2/238) *

* Sheikh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, may Allah have mercy on him, said: "*
"If the servant went to Allah sincerely the lack of it, and sought help from him as a savior of religion, he answered his supplications, removed his harm, and opened the doors of mercy to him.
Such was tasted from the fact of trust and supplication to Allah unless he tasted others. "
* (Total Fatwas (6/321) *

Ibn Qudamah al-Maqdisi, may Allah have mercy on him, said: "*
Not to be filled with food at night, but to eat in an amount; for * * (when the son of Adam filled a bowl of evil from a belly) *. Because eating too much inherits laziness and apathy, and then misses what is meant by fasting with a lot of eating, because it is intended to taste the taste of hunger and leave the craving *

On the authority of Ibn Abbas, he said:
 He hates that a man rises to prayer while he is lazy, but a divorced face grows to it with great joy, because he calls on Allah and Allah towards him forgives him and answers him if he calls him and then recites this verse.
 * [Tafsir Ibn Katheer (2/387)].

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