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Innovation defined types in islam

Innovation defined types

 * [Heresy to those who do not know] *

* Innovation defined and types *

 Sheikh said the mark / 
Saleh bin Abdullah bin Fauzan Al-Fawzan
       - may God protect him -

And Innovating on two parts: 
 "Invent habits"
● Kaptdaa modern inventions, this is permissible, because the original habits permissibility

"The innovation in religion."
● This is haraam, because the original arrest, he said, peace be upon him: "It is the latest in a hurry This is not part of it" in the novel: "It is an action that he does not have it rejected."

 ▪one fads:
"Innovation in religion are two types"

1) Type I: 
● fad anecdotal Aatviadeh 
>> Kmqalat Jahamiyyah, and Mu'tazila outs, and other misguided groups and beliefs 

2) Type II: 
● heresy in worship 
>> Kaltabd God worship not prescribed by.

 Types of fads in worship.

1) Type I: 
● "What is the origin of worship, worship that has no origin in Islam happens, if the prayer is happening is illegal, or Syama unlawful or illegal holidays, Koaaad generator and others."

2) Type II: 
● "What is the increase in the legitimate worship, as if increased rak'ah fifth in the noon prayer or age, for example."

3) Type III: 
● "What is the recipe performance of worship, that Audia status is illegal, so serious Adhkaar legitimate collective voices of the singer, and Kalchdid self in worship to some extent deviate from the Sunnah of the Prophet peace be upon him."

4) Type IV: 
● "What is the allocation of time for the worship of legitimate not devoted Shara, such as allocating on half of Shaaban and night fasting and do, the origin of fasting and doing a project, but the allocated time of the times needs to guide."

 The time of the emergence of fads.

▪oool fad emerged ::
"Heresy fate, heresy and deferrals, and the heresy of Shiism, and Kharijites ,,

● This fads appeared in the second century, are companions, have been denied to her family, then appeared heresy to retire, and there was discord among Muslims, and appeared differing views and tendency to fads and fancies, 

>> appeared heresy mysticism and heresy building on the graves after centuries favorite, and so the more time delay increased innovation and varied. "

 It is introduce the book and the Sunnah 
Tnazaath misguided ways 
Updated and fads 

✍valospab that led to the emergence of fads 

↙taatl_khas in the following matters: 
▪aljhl the provisions of religion
▪atba fancy
▪altasb views and people
▪alchbh infidels and their tradition. "

The more extended time after people from the effects of science and say the message Vha ignorance, as the Prophet, peace be upon him, saying: "Those who live you will see much difference" 

● And saying: ((God does not receive the flag of the subjects being snapped up by force, but science caught Bakd scientists, even if the world has taken people left heads Jhala Vsiloa, Vovetoa without knowledge, preferred Odiloa)) 

● not only resist fads science and scientists, if science and scientists have had the opportunity to show heresies and spread, and its people to become active. "

Intolerance of the views of men roam between one and follow the guide and find out the truth, he says: {And if they were told to follow what Allah hath revealed, they said, but we follow what our fathers coming under the Ulu was their parents do not understand anything, nor guided} Sura (170) 

● This is a bigot like today some of the followers of the doctrines, Sufis and Alquburien, if called to follow the Quran and Sunnah and the rejection of what it is, which Hikhalvhma protested Bmmahbhm and their sheikhs and their parents and grandparents. "

.... then said Sheikh models of contemporary fads ::

Many contemporary fads by virtue of the delay time and the lack of knowledge and the large number of preachers to fads and irregularities and the validity of imitating the infidels in their habits and rituals, another proof for saying peace be upon him «to him Taatban of Sunan was before you»

▪ It is these innovations :: 
● Celebrating the Prophet's birthday 
● blessed with places, monuments and the dead, and so
● fads in the field of worship and draw closer to God. "

↙ The fads of infidelity mail, an increase in the religion of Allah and His Messenger has not prescribed. Peace be upon him, 
● The heresy of the evil of sin, the great, and the devil rejoices them more than they rejoice in the great sins,

• Because the sinner does sin and he knows it is a sin repents of them, 
• The heretic heresy do our believes are draw closer to God does not repent of them,

 Fads and destroys the Sunnah, and the owners hate to do the Sunnah and the Sunnis, and innovation spacing from God, and his anger and had to be punished, and the cause Sieg hearts and corruption. "

[Heresy "defined types of provisions" (from p. 7 to 41)] 


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