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On the occasion of the New Year's Day

On the occasion of the New Year's Day

In the talk is true, said the Messenger of Allah (r) Whoever imitates a people is one of them, said the Almighty and the Prophet Maatakm Fajdhuh and Manhakm him Vanthua 
 On the occasion of New Year's Day
I tell you
Every year we have nothing to do their festivals ,, 
Every year we cherish religion ,,
Every year we set a good example by imitate God bless him ,,,
If the Christians (Santa Claus) to achieve their dreams once every year as they claim and illusion, 
Lord, we have wild dreams bring us throughout the year and in all the time and when, 
Vaatsoa your religion and God bless Npikm follow him.
Every year we are seeing not God but God.
Every year we witness that Muhammad Abd Allah and His Messenger ,,,
Every year we are seeing that there is one God and one third is not three ,,,
Every year we are seeing that Issa Abd Allah and His Messenger ,,,
Every year we are seeing that Jesus delivered his speech to Mary and the spirit of it.
Every year we are seeing that the Jews what they crucified him and killed him, but they almost.
Every year we have we set God for the blessing of faith and monotheism.
Every year we Muslims are united in God Almighty.
 Be a Muslim proud of Islam, InShaa'a
Oh God, you praise should also Jalal your face and a great blessing of Islam on your authority

This Hoalasalam

* Located at the end of evil things each calendar year *

▪ Question:
Shaykh: At this time of every year AD abound varieties of sweets, cakes and the like, and draws on some of them: every year, you are fine, and perhaps draw a cross, is it permissible for the owners of bakeries to do so, note that earnings season for them,
 I ask if the referee's advice to guide the prohibition of these,
As well as to the owners of libraries because they are attending Kruta written by such statements?

Answer ▫ Mohammed Bin Saleh Al-Uthaymeen brand mercy of God Almighty: -

(God, if this is haram, and connects his neighbor to infidelity;
Because rumor congratulations far infidels Bhraiahm satisfaction and religion, and satisfaction with disbelief Kafr, 
The text of the Ibn values ​​of Allah's mercy in his book, the provisions of the Ahl, and it is not permissible to show any of the rituals of disbelief in their events,

 It is not permissible for the bakers to do so,
 Ie: to draw a cross,
Or every year, you are fine or the like, 
Glory be to Allah ! We congratulate the people far infidels do not believe in Allah nor the Last Day,

Then we congratulate far from?
Christians far Htkoa symptoms of Muslims and profaned their blood, and occupied their homes, even enabled them to have spent the whole of Islam, how far these people congratulate ?!

God, if it was a national holiday does not legitimately do not deserve to congratulate him, how a festival legitimate them from their religion, and satisfaction with the rituals of disbelief Kafr; because satisfaction with disbelief, and a danger to the hearts, the risk that deviates heart, God forbid, then man does not distinguish between the enemy of God and the Crown of God .

 We are seeing God as God Almighty Glorified said that all he is an infidel enemy of God, and that all he is an infidel enemy of us the text of the Qur'an:
O you who believe! Take not my enemy and your enemy Oolia(
[Mumtahinah: 1]

How do those who saw God as enemies and we are seeing how they are the enemies rejoice ?! feasts

 How do we publish between Sbaanna and our children and our daughters and our women ?!

 But the Glory of God Almighty!
The death of hearts,
The melting of personal,
 The dependence of the people of the strongest,
Who is making such things playing down in our souls,

 I see that this is haram, 
And that we must boycott these furnaces do just as liquid, he said

 As well as the library owners should refrain from selling these cards in which congratulations far Kifri is not pleasing to God and His Messenger, and the believers.

 Source: Monthly series meeting, the meeting [31]

* The difference between the people of the book greeting and congratulate them on their festivals *

Salute in a reply permitted in the people of the book without getting started, as the Messenger of Allah said peace be upon him
 In the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah, may Allah be pleased with him when Muslim: 
* (Do not initiate the greeting of the Jews and Christians in peace, if you meet one of them in the way of forcing his narrowest part. *

In an interview with Anas bin Malik, may Allah be pleased with him, agreed: 
(If handed over to you the people of the book and say, you).

The congratulations did not divulge their festivals * in case *, and which shows the difference between the greetings and congratulations to their festivals that the Muslim reprobate recognizes him, but he congratulated something which enjoined evildoing; such as drinking alcohol and doing outrageous. 

If this is not permissible with the Muslim reprobate; how about one who celebrates the birth of Christ, who is believed to the divine, and evaluates this holiday worship him, as Muslims residing worship God Almighty festivals ?! 

 Sheikh Abdul Rahman bin Nasser Al-Barrak / from its official

 * Sheikh Rabi bin Hadi Madkhali said God saved *
The people of the right not sell their religion for worldly little, and do not call them a lack of money or Bktherth, companions, God bless them affected by some of them were afflicted with poverty even fall down on the ground of the severity of hunger; but they cling to the right, and they do not leave the right to view the world, but the man selling Dinh introduced from the floor if the weakness of his religion, and if disturbed his certainty in God.

Nafahat guidance and faith r / 193)


Son said values: 
"But congratulations to the rituals of the competent disbelief it is haraam agreement such that congratulate them on their festivals and fasts, says Mubarak you feast or congratulated the feast and the like, this is the peace of saying disbelief is a taboo, it is like to congratulate him Bsjodh Cross, but it is a greater sin when God and the most hated of congratulations to drink alcohol and killing oneself and commit the vagina and so no man's land, and many of those who do not as much as the religion has located in it and does not know the ugliness of what he did, it is a slave congratulated sin or heresy or disbelief has been abhorred of God and His wrath. "
 The provisions of the dhimmis (1/441):

This is islam 


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