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Be aware of the devil and the statement on the demons

Be aware of the devil

    Be aware of the devil and the statement on the demons

demon eye

eye three sections:

 * 1 - admires 2 - begrudgingly 3 - fatal *

* Vcoloa for everything you like: *

(God bless , God bless this fact and not humor
you ever read about a demon eye?          An
important topic worth reading carefully

 Q / Who is the demon eye?!

 c / is the demon of the jinn enters with the evil eye to the human body.

 Q / What works?!
 * c / cause pain and swelling in the abdomen and tight sometimes breathing and causes the speed of anger and increase the shame and the large number of thinking, delusions and sometimes weakens the human personality.

 Q / How come?!

 c / read the paper comes out the eye and Sura or two parts of the Qur'an daily with running the Corner bedtime.

 Q / Is it common among people?!

 C / yes a lot too!
 Prophet peace be upon God and peace (more than die of my self means eye after the book of Allah and spending) says
 said Allah bless him and God and peace (right eye has a demon) accompanied
 , says one of them (if unveiled, we will find more people in the families of the jinn) *

 Q / Is a strong or weak symptoms? !

 C / lie eye strength and weakness in their own devil and two things:!
 1 / eye emerging from the same envier force.
 2 / condemns Almaaon or envied and its proximity to the Lord and his commitment and if Almaaon governor prayer and dhikr and reading the Koran shall be a weak eye so many people do not judge the symptoms that he has shame, anger and delusions and colonic and others as of the eye because he sees that it 's simple and does not reach the eye stage .

Q / How do I know that I am infected or healthy?

C / read a daily part of the Qur'an reflecting on and repeat the verses of the eye and the fire and the Baath, which talks about the ayatollahs of cosmic and the greatness of the Almighty Creator , and if you feel sleepy severe or yawn frequently or heat or cold , or tingling , or mute it and the presence of indicator eye may be often accompanied by a demon.

Q / Is the eye problem a big problem

c / most simple eye but causing depression and shame, anger and tight and joint pain and these symptoms in the case of strength and weakness , according to near Abed Rabbo The more near God the weakness of the devil and rest the slave and vice versa.

Q / Where the jinn resides in the home usually? !

C / jinn exist in the open (baths) and the abandoned rooms and where there are odors or which commits sins Oalgerv which the attached SOW *, and also in the corners of the rooms.

Q / Where the jinn enter the human body?!

C / jinn often enters the human body from the parties to the hands, feet, mouth or nose
Saying to God 's blessings of God and peace: If one of you yawn Vlakzm what could the devil enters the mouth.

Reasons for entering the jinn to the human body e:

 negligence and committing sin and leaving dhikr and intense joy and intense anger and presence in places of sin and commit sins.

When the genie comes out of the human body , it puts Besmn not seen only by the jinn, and this fingerprint janitor facilitate the crossing again, unless blocked by Balazkar morning and evening

if you change your clothes Say
( In the name of God who is no God but do not even see the jinn nakedness, the outlook malicious has Wonder Gin your body Afeehqk and admits, this name * beau x

generally they hate the mention of God, and burst screaming when the smell of musk and crying when they bow down and rushing Harbin if I said there is no god but Allah aloud.

passed to others to benefit

when you see u I remember Allah Ijbkm
how many souls lost their diseases because of the eye did not remember the
demon of mankind the most dangerous demon jinn and demon jinn read him a verse of the Holy Weaver and escapes Omahetan mankind Tqroalih verse chair and gives its interpretation. We seek refuge with Allah all


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