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Definition of standardization of names and attributes

Definition of standardization of names and attributes
                       Definition of standardization of names and attributes

First, its definition:

Standardization of names and attributes: It is proof of what proved to God for himself, and demonstrated his messenger peace be upon him, and to deny what God denied himself, and denied his messenger peace be upon him of the names and attributes and acknowledgment of God the Almighty correct Bmaaneha and their significance and sensor effects and requirements in creation.

Second, the approach to prove:

The curriculum right to the door of the names and attributes on the full faith and ratification of the firm as described by God himself and described by His Messenger, peace be upon him without distortion or disabled, and is not conditioning representation.

The distortion: is the change and tilt the thing about his face. It is of two types:

1 - distortion of verbal. This increase in the floor or decrease or change in the movement of the word Kthariv word ripen in the verse: {Rahman on the Throne} (Taha: 5) to seized. His nth said:

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                       Inspired in the Lord of the Throne Zaidtan

2 - moral perversion. This interpretation of the word is Murad Allah and His Messenger, like it interpreted the "hand" to God by force or grace. This interpretation is false is not evidenced by Shara and language.

Disruption: is the negation attributes of God as one who claimed that God is not characterized as.

The difference between the distortion and disruption is that the distortion of negation correct meaning, which is indicated by the text and replace it in other words, is not true either disruption is the negation of the true meaning is not to replace him, in other words.

Conditioning: How to set status and body that are some of them as an act of delinquents in this section who adapt the attributes of God say how his hand: such and such, and how the body as well as Astewaih as well. This is invalid because not knowing how the attributes of God only is alone and while they are ignorant of it Almakhluqon and are unable to perceive.

Representation: the analogy is like telling God heard Ksamana and face Kojohna God for that.

The curriculum is organized right to the door of the names and attributes in three of the assets achieved by him from the deviation in this section. Which :

First Original: Transcendence God Almighty that looks like something from the qualities of the qualities of something creatures.

It is the first evidence of the origin: He disliked the Lord Almighty for similar creatures, the words of Almighty God: {is not nothing like Him, He is the All Seer} (Shura: 11). And appropriate verse similar between the Creator and the creature from every exile face with proof of hearing and sight God Almighty in this indication that the proof of God from hearing and sight is not as proof of the creatures of these qualities with many of them characterized by creatures. What is said in the hearing and sight it is said in other qualities. And read the verse: God has heard the words that Tjadlk in her husband and complains to God and God hears Thaurkma Allah is Hearing, Seer}. Cited the son of many in the interpretation of the verse is narrated in Tawheed (13/372) and Imam Ahmad in al-Musnad (6/46) Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her: " Praise be to God, who expanded the voices heard the argument came to the Prophet, peace be upon him, and I speak to him at home hand what I hear ejaculates God Almighty {God has heard the words that Tjadlk in her husband}. To another verse "  

It is also evidence the words of God Almighty: God is not Tdharbwa proverbs} (bees: 74). Tabari said in the interpretation of the verse: "God is not internalized parables nor resemble his likes it does not like him or quasi" ... He says: Did you know {him} Simia (Maryam: 65) Ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with them in their interpretation: "Is learning, for example, or similar to the Lord. "

It is the evidence for this origin: the words of God, the Almighty: {and did not have a Stop} (Sincerity: 4) Tabari said: "It was not like him, no justice, and not nothing like Him."

Second Origin: faith. He named as described by God himself and what he called, calling him His Messenger, peace be upon him on the face of decent majestically God and his greatness.

It is evidence of the second origin: a belief in what was mentioned in the book and the Sunnah of the names of Allah and His attributes, the words of God Almighty: no god but God is living and subsisting do not take one year and not sleep him what is in the heavens and on earth: Who will intercede with Him except with his permission knows what between them and behind them and surround some of his knowledge, but as he wishes his throne expanded the heavens and the earth, and He saved Aiodh Almighty (Baqarah: 255). And he says: {is the first and the other outwardly and inwardly, a knowledge of all things} (iron: 3). And he says:

It is the year the hadeeth of Abu Hurayrah narrated by Muslim in his Saheeh said: The Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him tells us if we Amaddjana to say: «Oh God, the Lord of the heavens and Lord of the earth and Lord of the Great Throne of our Lord and Lord of all things unconformity love and cores, and the home of the Torah, the Bible and the Criterion I seek refuge in You from the evil of every creature you are taking her forelock. Oh God, you are not the first thing you, and you are not the other thing after you and you are apparently not something above you, and you're not sub-dunk thing, judge us religion and Ognna poverty »(Muslim number (2713)). The text of the report of this section are many untold.

Original Third: Cut greed for how to recognize the fact that the attributes of God Almighty because the realization of the creature that is impossible.

It is these three assets achieved have achieved faith to be in the door of the names and attributes on the decision of the Imams investigators in this section.

It is evidence of the origin of this third origin which is greed cut to grasp how the attributes of God the Almighty ... the words of God Almighty: {knows what is before them and behind them, not around him note} (Taha: 110). Some scholars in the meaning of the verse said: "Do not enclose the human knowledge Lord of the heavens and the earth Vainfe race briefing types for manner of".

It is the evidence for this origin is also the words of God: {is not aware of sight and is aware of sight} (cattle: 103) Some scientists said in speaking about the verse: "This shows the perfection of his majesty and that is greater than all, and that perfection greatness does not realize so surrounded by by the perception it is something to take as much as a plus vision seen in the Lord are not aware of the Hereafter, and knows not surrounded by his knowledge. " Should any sane person knows that the end of the mind up to him and also extends as the hearing and sight an end they finish it, it will cost can not be aware of the mind Kaltvkr how the attributes of God, it is like that cost to see, behind the wall or hear sounds in very distant places with him.

It Sharh Muhammad Khalil Harras:


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